A Once-in-a-Lifetime Moment with My Built-In Bestie

Have you ever read something and felt like it was written just for you? Like the author reached through the pages, peeled back your layers, and spoke directly to the most vulnerable parts of your soul? The parts you thought you had hidden so well? —It’s the kind of moment where you realize the armor you thought was impassable isn’t hiding you as well as you believed—and somehow, someone out there knows exactly what’s underneath.

That’s what Girl, Wash Your Face did for me.

It was 2018—a year etched in my memory as one of the hardest, most soul-searching seasons of my life. For some context: my divorce had just been finalized, my career had shifted in ways I hadn’t anticipated, and I found myself questioning every decision I’d ever made. Did I just ruin my kids’ lives? Do they hate me? Was I being selfish? What if I fail? Y’all, I was deep in the thick of it, stuck in a cycle of doubt and guilt that felt impossible to escape.

Self-love? It felt like a distant memory. Confidence? Completely gone.

And then, out of nowhere, Rachel Hollis showed up—this bold, unapologetic force of truth and self-love—and started speaking straight to my heart. She didn’t tiptoe around the hard stuff or offer fluffy words of comfort. No, she laid it all out, raw and real, like the best friend you never knew you needed. She reminded me that I had a choice. A choice to stop believing the lies I was telling myself and start taking ownership of my life. She called me out on my own excuses, reminded me that my story wasn’t over, and for the first time in a long time, I felt truly seen.

It was like a lifeline when I didn’t even know I needed saving.

Rachel’s words gave me permission to believe in myself again.

What Girl, Wash Your Face Taught Me

For those of you who haven’t read it (first of all, do yourself a favor and grab a copy), Girl, Wash Your Face is all about breaking down the lies we tell ourselves—those sneaky little narratives that keep us stuck, small, and scared. Here are some of the lessons that hit me the hardest:

  1. You Are in Control of Your Own Life.
    Rachel doesn’t sugarcoat it: no one is coming to rescue you. It’s your job to take the reins. That was a hard pill to swallow at the time, but it was also exactly what I needed to hear.

  2. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others.
    I had been stuck in the scroll—looking at everyone else’s highlight reel and feeling like I was falling behind. Rachel’s reminder? You’re not meant to live someone else’s life. Stay in your lane and focus on your own journey.

  3. Show Up for Yourself, Even When It’s Hard.
    This one gutted me. I realized I was so busy showing up for everyone else—my family, my work, my responsibilities—that I’d stopped showing up for me. She gave me permission to prioritize myself, guilt-free.

  4. Your Dreams Are Worth Fighting For.
    One of my favorite lines: “Your dream is worth fighting for, and while you’re not in control of what life throws at you, you are in control of the fight.” If that doesn’t fire you up, I don’t know what will.

  5. Stop Breaking Promises to Yourself.
    Rachel talks about how we would never flake on a friend the way we flake on ourselves. That one stung. But it also made me rethink the commitments I make to myself and why they matter.

A Lifelong Bestie I’ve Never Met

Saying I was obsessed doesn’t even come close. Rachel Hollis became my built-in bestie—whether she knew it or not. I devoured her podcast, read every book she’d ever written, and filled journal after journal with thoughts inspired by her prompts. Let me tell you—her journaling practice? Total game-changer. It’s something I coach to women all the time because it has completely transformed the way I see and approach my life.

If you’ve never heard her talk about this practice, let me give you a sneak peek. It’s simple, but it’s powerful. Every day, you write down 3–5 things you’re thankful for. But here’s the twist: don’t focus on the big, obvious things like your family, your health, or the roof over your head. Of course, we should always be grateful for those blessings, but this practice challenges you to notice the small, easily overlooked moments that make up your day.

Let me share an example. This past summer, we were traveling for our wedding anniversary, and I met the sweetest woman at a restaurant. Her name was Donnette, and though I didn’t realize it at the time, she made a lasting impact on me.

Donnette is someone I’ll never forget. From the moment we started talking, she captivated me with her warmth and energy. But it was her story that truly left a mark.

Donnette has lived most of her life in extreme poverty, facing hardships that would break most of us. Yet, as she shared her stories, she laughed. She danced. She carried a lightness that seemed almost unshakable. Her joy wasn’t about her circumstances—it was something deeper, something she chose.

Every evening we’d sit and talk, and even our kids joined in. Donnette’s resilience and gratitude were inspiring. She didn’t dwell on what she didn’t have; she celebrated what she did. She reminded me that even in the hardest moments, there’s so much to be thankful for.

Before we left, I made sure she knew how much she had changed my life. I thanked her for her kindness, her laughter, and the way she showed up so fully as herself.

Looking back, I realize that had I not trained myself over the years to find gratitude in the little things, I might have missed this encounter. But I didn’t. And it was a once-in-a-lifetime connection I’ll carry with me forever.

Those little moments? They matter. And this practice ensures I never miss them.

But there’s more to Rachel’s journaling practice. After writing your gratitude, you move on to 10 of your biggest goals—but here’s the twist: you write them as if they’ve already happened. Not “I want to” or “I will,” but “I am” or “I have.” It’s about stepping into the identity of the person you’re becoming and manifesting your dreams as if they’re already yours.

And let me tell you something wild—everything I’ve written down has come true. Every. Single. Thing. [Insert hand clap here!]

This practice hasn’t just changed how I see my days—it’s given me clarity, focus, and the confidence to chase my dreams unapologetically. I owe so much of that to Rachel’s guidance and her ability to inspire in a way that feels so real and actionable.

Rachel Hollis taught me that showing up for myself every single day—with gratitude, intention, and bold belief—has the power to change my life. And the best part? It’s a lesson I get to pass on to other women.

If you’re not already doing this, consider this your invitation to start. Who knows what magic you’ll create when you do?

The Day I Met My Hero

Fast forward to today, and my inner fangirl is alive and well because I finally got to meet her! I mean, actually meet her. If you’ve ever seen me giddy, I guarantee it was nothing compared to this moment.

Rachel’s newest book, What If You Are the Answer, just hit the shelves, and I had the incredible opportunity to meet the woman who completely transformed the way I see myself. It felt like meeting your childhood hero—the one who shaped so much of who you are today. I was equal parts excited, nervous, and in awe, trying to keep my cool while my inner fangirl was doing cartwheels. You know the feeling—it’s that mix of butterflies and pure joy when you finally come face-to-face with someone who’s made such a profound impact on your life.

I’ve seen her live before, and I truly thought that would always be one of the highlights of my life. But today was different. Today wasn’t about seeing her on stage or hearing her speak to a crowd.

It was personal.

It was intimate.

It was a full-circle moment for me.

The Power of Transformation

Y’all, I don’t think you understand—she changed everything for me. Rachel was my first real dive into personal development. She lit a fire in me to keep learning, growing, and showing up. She’s my reminder that I, too, can be anything I want to be. That I can shed the societal pressures of what’s “acceptable” and embrace my true, authentic self.

It’s a lesson I carry with me every single day. It’s what fuels me to pour the same message into my children, especially my daughter. I want her to know that she doesn’t have to fit into anyone else’s mold. She can break it, build her own, and shine exactly as she is.

A Moment I’ll Never Forget

This experience was more than I ever imagined. I thought I was just signing up for a quick book signing—grab the book, smile for a picture, and be on my way. But I had no idea how different this would be.

Before the book signing even started, we were invited into a private, intimate hour with Rachel.

She poured into us like she always does—but this time, it felt personal. And something inside me shifted. I don’t know what got over me, but when Rachel opened the floor to questions, my hand shot up before I even knew what I wanted to say.

My body wasn’t giving me a choice.

Y’all—I needed to talk to her.

And you know what, friends? She picked me. Me. Out of 300 women.

Now, I’m convinced my bright red blazer played a part in catching her attention (because come on, it was fierce). But in that moment, I was completely star-struck. My heart was racing but deep down, I knew exactly why I was standing there.

Rachel has spent her career reminding us that we are made for more—that we are capable of rewriting the narrative we’ve been handed.

The Question that Changed Everything

I told Rachel that my whole life, people doubted me. I was a high school dropout, a teenage mom, and to the outside world, it looked like I had thrown my life away. But what no one understood was that those babies didn’t derail my life—they gave me my life.

They became my reason to keep going, to keep proving to myself and the world that my story wasn’t over.

I’ve spent years showing my kids that no one—no one—gets to write their story but them. They have a choice. They are the authors of their lives, and I want them to know they can build anything they dream of.

Rachel has always been honest about her own struggles, her doubts, and her triumphs. She’s a constant reminder that you can do more.

So, I said to her: “Hey, Rach, you don’t know this, but we’ve been besties for years. Thank you for everything you do for women—you have no idea how much of an impact you’ve made. From the very beginning, you’ve reminded us that we are Made for More, and I’ve felt that truth deep in my core, even when I didn’t fully understand it.

I shared my journey—the doubts people had about me, how I proved them wrong, and the incredible success I’ve achieved so far. When I finished, the room erupted into applause, finger snaps, and a loud, ‘Yes, Sis!’

But then, I shared something more vulnerable: a recent conversation with my husband about how it never feels like enough. Like there’s still something undone. Like I haven’t truly left my mark yet.

And I had to ask her: Do you ever feel like you’ve made it? Do you ever stop striving for more? And is there something wrong with me for wanting more?”

And her answer?


She said she’ll never stop. In fact, she shared that when she interviewed Matthew McConaughey, she asked him a similar question, and he gave the exact same answer.

She went on to say, “There’s nothing wrong with us. That drive for more—that inner pull to create, evolve, and expand—isn’t something to fear. It’s something to honor.”

So, if you’ve got that little nudge tugging at you—the one you can’t shake—this is your reminder: Don’t ignore it. Lean into it. Keep pushing, keep growing. Wanting more doesn’t mean you’re broken—it means you’re just getting started.

A Heart Full of Gratitude

Today, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude—not just for meeting Rachel, but for the journey she’s inspired me to take. She’s the voice that pulled me out of a dark season and pushed me into a life where I value growth, vulnerability, and authenticity.

If you haven’t read her books or heard her speak, I encourage you to give her a try. You never know—it might just be the reminder you didn’t realize you needed.

To Rachel, thank you for being the best friend I didn’t know I had. Thank you for helping me peel back the layers and believe in myself again. And thank you for reminding me that the journey to becoming our best selves is messy, chaotic, and wildly beautiful.

Friends, here’s to embracing the messy, chaotic, and beautifully imperfect journey of becoming who you’re meant to be.

I’m rooting for you,

With love and encouragement,


I’d love to hear your thoughts—how have you embraced the power of showing up for yourself and others in your studio, business, or personal life? What strategies have helped you stay connected to your purpose and create meaningful relationships



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